August 07, 2005
It's Sunday night, and I have so much to do. I have one of three loads of laundry in the washing machine. My goal would be to have all of them done before I go to bed.... we'll see. I tend to be ambitious but never seem to get all the laundry done on Sundays as I would prefer to. I have several packages to ship off tomorrow for customers and also friends that bought some of my beads from me. I got busy clearing out my stash and now it's time to buy some new stuff. Oh how the cycle never ends.

This past week has been interesting... well the past two weeks. As many of you know, Makena has been allergic to many things. When she was born she was allergic to my "Mommy's Milk" so we tried Nutramigen then settled w/ Neocate(for G-Tube babies). She was on Neocate until she was 2 yrs old. She was diagnosed allergic to Milk, Eggs, Soy, Peanuts and Apples. Long story short... she ended up growing out of the Milk at 2yrs, the Eggs at 3.5yrs and Apples somewhere around 18 months. Makena still has intolerance to Soy in concentrated forms (ie: Soy Sauce) so we try to avoid that. But peanuts... that's another story. She is HIGHLY allergic. We carry an Epi-Pen with us wherever we are 'just in case'.

Well Makena is old enough and ready to move into the Yellow Room (for 4 yr olds). With that her classroom needs to become Peanut Free. When this happened in the Red room there were no major objections. Everyone had been understanding and abiding due to the risks.

It was bound to happen, people had issues. Two parents in particular felt completely inconvienced by the 'no peanut rule'. I did some research and offered information for parents that they could get Sunbutter/Sunflower Butter instead. It tastes very similar to Peanut Butter and can be bought at the local Trader Joes. We still don't carry it at our house b/c we don't want Makena to get confused b/c it looks literally almost identical to peanut butter both in coloring and consistency. I found out on Friday these parents sent out their phone numbers and a note in all the parent's folders to find out their 'view point' of the Peanut Free rule. I feel very blessed that like most people I have received quite a bit of support from parents. It is an inconvience but most understand that it is to keep Makena safe AND alive. I just don't understand these moms. I guess it must be nice to live in a world where things revolve around you and you are more concerned with yourself rather than the safety of a child. Hmmm- ya know I'd rather not live in that world. I prefer to be caring and protective of children. I guess it just dumb-founds me. At the end of the day- it doesn't matter how many parents hop on the gravy train (although it doesn't appear that any are going to) the law protects Makena. Many people don't know but Peanut Allergies are considered a disability and the school is bound by law to protect Makena and the other parent's don't have a leg to stand on where that is involved. And as much as I want to call the parents and give them a piece of my mind, I won't... I intend on walking away with my head held high and not looking foolish as I think their little letters to the families have made them look.
posted by 2Kais at 7:40 PM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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