March 15, 2006
Snow Snow... what do ya know... more and more snow!

We went to the mountains (about 45-50 minutes away) with my friend Bridget (I've known her since 1st grade) and her daughter Morrigan (who is about 6 months younger than Makena). This was Morrigan's first time at the mountains, and Makena's second time tubing. Uncle Marc (my brother) took Makena 2 weekends ago while I went to a show.

So, after a trip to REI to get snowboots and snow gear, we headed up to the mountains for some fun. We finally arrived in the later part of the afternoon. Just in time for a 2 hour block of tubing time. I remember inner-tubing being - not so big - and simple.

(I know this hill doesn't look big... bus seriously it's steep!)

These days- they have literally carved these 'lane's and groomed them to be solid, packed snow. The inclines are steep, some are steeper and lets just say- there is less control than a roller coaster. I won't even go on a rollercoaster! My brother told me that Makena loved going tubing and she just would sit up and go down the hill and would sing 'A whole new world' (Aladdin soundtrack) while going down the hill.

Me... on the otherhand... I put Makena in my lap- and nearly thought we were going to die. I had so much adrenaline pumping through my body that my hands were shaking and I didn't want to do it again. The problem is that first- I'm vertically challenged! So these big, overblown tubes (that have a cover on them - they look like the tubes you pull behind ski boats on the water) so I sit in it w/ my bottom in center. Makena plopped down on my lap, we scooted to the edge where we dropped down BACKWARDS at like 50mph! My legs are so short I couldn't touch the ground - OR see where were were going since we were flying backwards. Between the ice packed snow that we were literally floating over at dangerous speeds I felt like I couldn't even hold onto Makena. So, there I was trying to figure out why my 4 year old found this dangerous completely out of control event (that required a liability release) so much fun? HELLLOOOOO- my motherly instincts came over me that this was NOT safe and I felt completely out of control and could barely grasp my own child.

See, now Morrigan had the right idea- she was terrified to go down. So... Makena went down w/ Bridget. LOL! Yes, this was an event that would be much more fun with Daddy, Grandpa or Uncle Marc. I'm best standing around for this taking pictures.

We found a smaller hill and used a sled instead. And wow was that fun! Makena was begging to go down by herself. So I thought about it and figured... sure- why not (from the mid-hill) area. This was lots of fun, of course until Bridget and Morrigan took a nasty fall - then it was time to head home. What a fun day (despite the terrifying trips down the hill)

posted by 2Kais at 12:07 AM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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