April 30, 2007
Happy Monday!
I officially made it through Monday! yayyy- Actually it was a great weekend! My brother turned 32 last week, so we celebrated with dinner on Saturday night, then he came up to our house where he and PJ hung out and drank all night. This in turn gave them both a hangover on Sunday. LOL. They aren't as young as they used to be :)...

Anyhow- I spent Saturday and Sunday recouping from running, w/out stretching first. DUHHH- I completely know better. Of course, grocery shopping and the typical weekend stuff.

Back to work today. Working on Advertising Concepts and brand building marketing plans. Keeping me very busy and driving my creative juices. It's great. I LOVE what I do now, and interestingly enough when I get home at night I generally have no interest in getting on the computer. This right here, is a rarity. So much time in front of it at work that when I get home, I love vegging and hanging out w/ Makena.

It was great when I came home today, we sat down for about 20 minutes... grabbed a quick snack to tie us over and threw dinner in the oven (already prepared... just needing to be cooked). Then Makena and I took off and went to the school where she practiced riding her bike and I stretched (YAYY) THEN ran. When we got home, dinner was ready and time to make a smoothy and have two... okay... three bites of meatloaf (fattening). Makena loved it and scarfed down her broccoli (LOVE that she likes broc)!

It was a healthy day... I'm watching what I eat and planning to drop some weight and get into shape. I'm a size 4/6, but I'd like to get down to a smaller 4 and have size 6 be too big. I know it might sound small... but I'm only 5' and am probably pushing about 120. I really should be closer to 110 or even 107. I look unhealthy at anything smaller than 104. Anyways, it's great to have wonderful support of my friend Laura. She's my running partner. We're both running to get healthy and I'd say we're probably the same size, but she's taller. Our short term goals are to run more often, further and longer. Then to run a 5k next month and work our way up so that we can run a half-marathon. My other goal is to swim. And swim a lot. My goal was that by the time I am 30 (this summer) I would like to be dive certified. I know it's a lot but it's a great time to make these things happen before our family ever grows. We have several more years before that will happen but for now.... I'm excited about being more active.

Time to put Makena to bed.... Eat Healthy :)

Cheers- Mary
posted by 2Kais at 8:17 PM -
  • At May 01, 2007 2:33 PM, Blogger Saving Grace said…

    Good for you. I wish I was motivated to start running! I always wanted to try.. but never got going. Swimming I love! Anyway, I look forward to hearing how things go with you for the next several months! Maybe you will movtivate me=) Did I read you may expand your family someday??

  • At May 01, 2007 2:53 PM, Blogger 2Kais said…

    Jen... shocking I know! LOL. "Someday" we will expand. It seems like we probably would have by now... right? Let's see... almost 7 years ago now! :)

  • At May 01, 2007 6:54 PM, Blogger Saving Grace said…

    Thats ok. It's better to be ready for more then one then rush into it. It isn't easy to give them the love and attention they need or all the running to soccer games, etc with more then one! Especially with your husband gone so much. I still think I want another- but if we do of course it will be a couple of more years and large span, but it is out of our hands =)

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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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