July 04, 2006
June 2006 in review
Well as time begins to speed by there is a lot to think about from the month of June 2006

What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month? Wow... the list is long. - Coach Carter (Netflix'd)- didn't realize I'd seen it in the theatres. Loved it but didn't watch it again. Story of Us (Netflix) - BORRRING. Tarzan, Poohs Huffalump, (Makena loved both), Cars (Cute story- saw in Chelan), Failure to Launch (Loved it!) and I'm sure there are others that I missed. For TV - I'm hooked on Windfall (Thursdays) and also on Flip That House and reality TV (MTV).

What books/magazines did I read?
I'm a sucker for celebrity trash gossip - so I know I picked up a couple weekly reads, usually $1.99 In Touch/US and I'm sure I read a People Mag in there somewhere. I was so caught up w/ my celebrity trash that I was bored at my hair appointment. Reading but on pause - A Table In The Presence by Lt. Carey H Cash. This has been a good book in my opinion, but a little religiously deep for me. I have put it down mid-way for a little while. It is about finding God in the start of Iraqi Freedom. I wasn't sure at first that I'd like it but heard some powerful words about it. So far it's been great. Also reading Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. I was telling Elizabeth that this is a hard book for me to read as it about bigotry. There are some strong words and stereotypes that don't sit well for this sensitive girl. I'm only about 160 pages into it.

Special Days this month that we celebrated -
First and foremost - MAKENA'S BIRTHDAY!!! Loads and loads of fun! There are photos posted. I still have many more to put up. Also, Father's Day - another holiday we spent w/out PJ, but we are closer to his return than before. Also a sent a Happy Birthday shout out to my friend Rachel in Spokane. It's been a long- time. Hoping we can head out to visit her in the next couple weeks.

Unusual purchases or otherwise?
Nope not really- just that I bought out Gymboree! LOL. Nahh- but I did break down and buy Makena a bikini that she has been begging me for. I think she's too young but told her she could wear it at home only around family. If she was going to the pool or to the river she had to wear her one piece. She is a different child in the bikini- she seems so grown up. :(

Sold off some beads that have been sitting around in my stash. Tons of stuff I bought that I don't want/need and am clearing out . It's been nice to get rid of some of it. Beaders are vultures when it comes to goodies :).

Anything noteworthy?
Yes - Makena, just days before turning 5 learned how to ride a 2-wheeler! This was a great surprise! I have better photos I intend on posting of her new success!

What's planned for July?
*We started off this month with PJ's birthday on the 1st, unfortunately we didn't get to celebrate it with him b/c he's floating around somewhere in the water. :(
*We already spent a few days out on the boat. (of course more pictures to post) and that in itself will require a long posting as well. We had TONS of fun~ I'm sure we'll spend more time out on the boat this month.

*We might head down to Salem to take Makena to The Enchanted Forest park.
*My birthday is also this month (Yikes!)- we'll celebrate with some family friends at a Luau on the 22nd. Both PJ and I are 29 this year. I'm glad we'll be together (I hope) to celebrate our 30th birthdays.
*Independence Day is a big one for us. We're excited to celebrate it this year here in Seattle.
posted by 2Kais at 1:17 PM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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