Getting so big... look who is riding! |
Makena is getting so big! We've been practicing riding our bike and balancing w/out our training wheels. She has been doing so good that we took off Makena's training wheels to try to teach her how to ride a bike w/out the help of the training wheels. She did sooo- great!! She rode about 10 feet all on her own. We went back up to the school to play and practice balancing between the training wheels. If we keep this up a couple times over the next day or two she'll be riding her bike w/out training wheels before she even turns 5!!
We also kicked the soccer ball around the yard and played in the playhouse in the backyard. Makena's newest toy: Walkie Talkies so that we can talk to her directly when she is in the playhouse playing
One more week until Makena's Princess Party!
Fading out here..... going to bed. G'night. M