June 19, 2007

Ohhh, who would've guessed- today is a day of reflections on the past 6 years. I sit here and type in the last 12 hours Makena will be 5 yrs old. She's officially more than half way to 10 and one year closer to 18. Unless you're a parent, you likely wouldn't understand.

5 years ago, I was a swollen, water retaining heffer. My face was huge, my hands and legs were swollen and I looked like I had cankles. I was not one of those cute little women that only have a basketball belly. I was a house. Mostly because I am only 5'1" and when you're that short, there is nowhere for it to go but out!

The story of Makena... Makena was dreamed of for 2.5yrs before she was conceived. She was quite a little miracle for us and I truly believe if we don't ever have more, that will be okay. We both feel lucky enough that we have her, and she's wonderful. I had an easy pregnancy, I only threw up like three times. I had severe adversion to anything BBQ and was quite a snot with my hormone changes. Geesh- I lived to sleep and never understood 'Bone Tired' until I was truly pregnant. Most of the weight I gained was at the back end of my pregnancy, after 6 months along. Then out of nowhere I gained 8lbs in a week. I was horrified. Luckily it was at the very end of my pregancy. I gained a total of 23lbs and it was all in my wrists and ankles! You could push on my legs and it would leave indentions. It was pretty funny (though not at the time).

My huge pregancy moment, was at the very end- in the last month. PJ had to go to Virginia for work and we didn't expect him to be around for Makena's birth. I was huge, and uncomfortable and my clothes no longer fit. I was miserable. Not to mention it was like 90 degrees out and my a/c went out that last month. I was home on my own and I had nothing to wear. I wore something hideous to work and was exhausted. I sat at my desk and just started to cry. It made no sense to buy maternity clothes as I was about to have Makena but nothing fit, and I had to borrow sandals because my feet were so huge they wouldn't fit in anything anymore. I cried and cried. Looking back... pretty funny, at the time, not so much :)

My parents flew out for my planned c-section (Makena was frank breach). They were there, mom was in the OR. It was great! They even video taped it. I cherish it forever. Though most of it was hazy and I don't remember lots that happened in days surrounding her birth- I remember recovering pretty quickly and thank God most of the weight I had was all water and was gone in the first 6 weeks (ahhh- to be 23 again!)

The birth of Makena was the best day of my life. There are other wonderful days (like our wedding day and renewing our vows and Iraq homecomings) but I think mom's in general will agree that the birth of their own child was wonderful. I remember feeling sad though too- we held a special bond and I was the first to really truly hold her and grow her and feel her move. I used to play with her and push on her head and arms and butt while she was in my belly. Those were good days.

These are great days now. She is growing up, reading, spelling and so independent. She's still so gently and caring and wants to please everyone. She has her own opinions and ideas and is so creative. She's learning to follow directions and be pro-active in helping rather than being asked all the time. She's listening, she's absorbing and standing up for herself. She is funny and has a wonderful sense of humor and gets a kick out of making up knock-knock jokes. She is Makena, our little girl, who by physical characteristics is little... but she is truly an old soul.

Songs of importance, that will take us back in time... Thank You by Dido- this was on during my c-section exactly when they delivered her.
Drops of Jupiter was on the radio right after they told PJ that Makena was born.

Happy Birthday Boots!


posted by 2Kais at 11:56 AM -
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