June 15, 2007
Friday--- ugg
Okay, so last night, Makena was sick. It was terrible. PJ and I went to bed around 10/10:30. Around 11:30 Makena was up. Whining and complaining. I went into her room (because PJ has a built in "doesn't-hear-anything-in-the-middle-of-the-night-sensor") and she was running a temp :( Poor Kena-Kai. Gave her some Ibuprofen, it usually kicks it. Of course, not... that would be too easy. Went to bed after putting a cool cloth on her head. About an hour later she came in and asked to go to the bathroom. (A habit from school). The rest of the night was pretty much like that. Sometime around 2 or so I took her temp and she was hovering at 103. I pulled out the Tylenol Cough/Cold/Flu- Have some more meds... a fresh cool cloth, fresh cup of water and tucked her in after cracking her window for some cool air. About an hour later she was having such a hard time, I told her to come into our room. I was dying for sleep knowing I needed to get into work in the morning, but at the same time feeling badly for Makena.

See all week I've had this cold that started with a sore throat, then a cough and it's settled in my chest. I've been pretty much fine- and managed not to miss work over it. I know her throat has been bothering her, so I'm guessing she's a day or two behind me with her cold. Luckily PJ hasn't caught it yet.

Well, after she slept in bed, it was like this... PJ (always hogging the bottom of the bed because he thinks my legs are so short that he can stretch diaganoly across the bed (RIGHHHHT)) Then Makena- as hot as an oven 103, with a cool cloth on her head whining in her sleep. PJ huffing and puffing in his sleep (probably irritated at the lack of bed space) and me... holding on to the very edge for dear life. WTF?

I wake up sometime when the sun is starting to light the sky (4:30ish) and feeling like I never went to bed at all- with a soaking wet shirt (Makena's cloth ended up on me) and she's a sweaty mess and PJ hogging the pillows. At this point I'm contemplating jumping out the window and ending it all (just kidding). I move Makena's limp body to her room, grab a towel and put it over where she was sleeping cause she soaked the bed between her sweat and the washcloth. The alarm goes off two hours later. I get ready and let Makena sleep in before we head off to a part day at work.

THEN- to make the day even MORE aggrivating (as if I am not grumpy enough from the lack of sleep) we were supposed to have our concrete poured today AGAIN. BUT the weather hasn't been coorperating. Of course, at 1:30 I make the call to our contractor and tell him to be safe and not pour today. Makena and I wake up around 6pm, and not ONE drop of rain has fallen SINCE I canceled the concrete pour. DAMN IT! I would have LOVED to have the patio finished, but alas - Washington weather has made the call 3 times now. I have chosen the wrong thing. We could've had the concrete poured but all three times I said no and the weather ended up being nice. We settled on Tuesday or Wednesday next week, it's supposed to be 70 degrees and 80 on Wed. Keep fingers crossed.

Okay- I'm wide awake after having a 4 hour nap this afternoon, I feel like painting -... hmmmmm
posted by 2Kais at 7:30 PM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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