October 27, 2005
Been a while.....
Well, It's been a while since I've updated my blog. We've been super busy! I rarely have time to check my emails these days, but that will change as soon as we settle into our new house. PJ has been gone training (his first long training stint as he prepares to leave for Iraq again) so I've been a single mom trying to adjust to all the changes. Additionally, our condo is for sale and we've needed to move into something with more room and a yard for a while. Makena is at the age now that she needs to really be active and outdoors and with the condo it's just getting too small for us. But here in So Cal property is a premium so... we're finally getting into something larger. That said- there's more room to make jewelry too- and JUST in time for the holidays! YAYYY!

I've also been swamped at work. With my recent promotion I've been working hard, missing lunch and really enjoying it believe it or not. So between Work, Home and Moving it's been a juggling act. PJ will be home for one day and then will leave again for a couple more weeks. One day- just long enough to move all the heavy things into our new home and then leave. So... I will get us settled in and he'll come home to a completely new home. It's a good thing that I'm handy around the house :)

Recently my mom came to visit - I'll try and post some photos tonight. We went to Legoland and had a great time! I'm hoping to take a moment to take Makena to the Pumpkin Patch sometime this weekend. Probably not on Saturday as we'll be busy painting the new house and getting packed to move. Maybe just Maybe on Sunday. We'll see.

I have much to do but - in case you haven't checked out the video of Makena (I couldn't view it from home - but it works from my work) hopefully it works for you too. I didn't realize it was only a 2 second video. I'll try to put some more video of her up tonight or this weekend.

Well- that's all for now.
posted by 2Kais at 5:58 PM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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