March 24, 2007
So, with the change of our household (sans Duke)... I've been more motivated to take pride in ownership rather than just 'maintaining'... Since Duke has been gone- Mount St. Laundry has nearly been demolished, our walk-in closet has been organized, I have donated 3 large boxes of misc. items we no longer need (Yay for getting rid of things!), and today I tackled the front yard of weeding! Makena was helpful in taking all the weeds and putting them into a box for dumping and also sweeping up the dirt that was left on the driveway. I am anxious to get a new battery for the lawnmower this week so I can get the lawn looking decent. It badly needs to be fertilized. Needless to say- I'm feeling accomplished and full of motivation!

I knew our weather was supposed to get really bad after 12noon today, so I took advantage of the nice 50 degree weather outside (perfect for a sweatshirt) and got some fresh air before lunchtime. Right before heading out I began to dig out the guest room. It is this 'door' or more of a mysterious abyss of space that we have yet to actually utilize. It feels more like our house is a 2 bedroom house upstairs since the extra room is always shut. I began to sort through my remaining bead items and scrapbook items each in individual piles. Then of course our holiday decorations which needed to be condensed into appropriate plastic storage containers. Then there is the neverending pile of Makena's old or out-of-season clothes. Those all wound up in our room and will take time (probably an entire movie on TV to get through and donate what we don't need to hold onto any longer). The goal is by the end of the day to have the guest bedroom organized and to make Rice Krispy treats w/ Makena. Makena's room is a project in itself and will be tackled tomorrow. Off I go! :)

posted by 2Kais at 11:40 AM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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