So, if you love a bargain, like I do... you've probably heard of T.J. Maxx. And if you're lucky enough, you live in Southern Cali where there is an T.J. Maxx Home Store. No, this is not just any ordinary store, it has the best freakin' deals known to man kind. Scratch that- to women. Regardless, I shop there.
Moving on...
When I decided to redecorate Makena's room (yes it was all me, PJ could give a rat's a$$ about redecorating) - I shopped around for a 'frugal' deal and found a cute quilted bedding set at T.J. Maxx. I don't remember what I paid, but it was very reasonable--- VERY. Like so good that I was elated (though I can't remember now). It's been several months since we went to the *Princess Theme* and as I'm tucking Miss Makena into bed, I do a double-take at the embroidery on her bedding. Hmmm- P-P?-I-N-C-E-S-S, then I move the pillow to find that also, F-A-I-P-Y-. So, her Faipy Ppincess bedd... WTF?! And so it dawns on me, THIS is why it was sold at T.J. Maxx! Thank God we aren't using the letters on her bedding to teach her to spell. Otherwise, we'd have Makena Stoupal instead or Stoural. I suppose next time I'm so hard on myself at work, I will have to reminis to the mistake of some poor soul at a sweat factory in a third world country at the age of 4 that embroidered this for my daughter's bed. Likely the whole batch had to be sold to some 2nd's store and they were sent home, grounded!

I guess I have a lot to say tonight. Good night.