Gus-Gus and his eye puss |
If you have followed one or two posts about our cat 'Gus-Gus' (like the mouse from Cinderella) you'll know Gus has had some interesting eyes. He is a himalayan cat- so he has long fur and very bulgy eyes. When I say bulgy, I mean like- they look like they'll pop out. Did I mention his flat face? Well, Gus-Gus has had some genetic eye problems - Feline Corneal Sequestra. I have self-diagnosed him. LOL. No, really- I have. He's been to the vet a few times, but not a specialist (yes, shocking they have opthomologists for cats!) - I've done enough research to know that- this is what he has. Well, last night his 'eye scab' came off! We knew this was coming b/c his eye lid has been getting stuck on it- so we knew it was going to fall off soon. He looks like he is in pain- all squinty and such. I gave him some medacam (pain meds) and some eye drops we have been given from the vet. Hopefully he'll make a quick recovery. Anyways- Gus-Gus w/ the eye puss, is on the mend!
Happy Saturday. |