November 27, 2007
Ugliest F-in Tree Ever!

Okay- so here you have it....I'll start by 'setting the mood'. I'm on my lunch, I have less than an hour in Target aka: Tar-gette. I look around, find nothing more than what I usually find. I head to the Christmas ornaments. It's busy for 2:30 on a Monday, but I'm busy trying to stay focused. Like a glow from a dark room, a white tree stands out and I swear I hear angels sing (okay so maybe that's a bit exagerated- but I liked the tree). Immediately I call PJ (who mind you has been very patient w/ my retail therapy lately) and the conversation goes like this: "I found this tree I really really like. We've never done this before (see me justifying it already?) and I'd like to do a 'different' tree this year, and buy new ornaments- I won't need to dig out the old ones either". (See I've given two reasons why he would benefit from going along w/ this). And like any reasonable man, he asks 'How much is this going to cost?" And as a smart woman, I over estimate, knowing we'll probably end up somewhere between zero and my number. "$100"... slight pause as I know I'm overshooting. "Um, no..." and with that the negotiation begins... "How about $60?". Being good negotiaters that we are (remember we did live in San Diego a stone's throw from Tiajuana)- I agree thinking I can probably do this for $60 (on the first purchases).

And it's done, I hang up knowing I'm on a mission. I use my phone, take a photo of the tree and send it to PJ... in the meantime- I find all the items I want though many aren't even available. Finally I head for the checkout a little unsure of the total of my purchases. The lines are long, again I am surprised since it's a Monday afternoon. She rings me up and again, I hear the angels sing- $58 and change!!! WHOO- HOO! I'm excited and PJ will be happy (though at $60 I'm sure he was prepared for my 'typical overages beyond budget').

I feel euphoric and am loading up my truck knowing I just got the decorations that I wanted. My phone rings, I look at the caller-id and it says "PIMP CALLING" if you know me- you know that is my husband (his phone says 'THE BOSS' for me LOL). I answer it as I'm maneuvering my treasures into the truck.

The first thing out of his mouth is: "I got the picture of the tree you sent me... pause. That is the ugliest f-in tree I've ever seen!"

I pause (for the dramatic effect of course)- "Well, you're a day late and a dollar short, because I'm just loading up all the ornaments right now!" (in my best condesending tone of course all while joking with him)

Then, like the smart man that he is his immediate response..."That is going to be the best f-in tree I've ever seen!"

***These are the ornaments I bought... minus the glittery words*** they didn't sell the sequins spray picks unless you purchased a $300 kit w/ all this stuff in it. So I found them online somewhere else!!

posted by 2Kais at 8:19 PM -
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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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