November 28, 2005
Internet Savvy

I love that I was brought up in a home that was/is computer savvy.... through my techy dad and brother- I've learned the ropes....
posted by 2Kais at 7:04 PM - 0 comments
November 27, 2005
Through Thanksgiving
It has been a crazy week! I had surgery on Monday, family came in Tuesday morning and Tuesday night... and lots of guests on Thanksgiving! It has been an insane week. Getting prepared for Tara's and my Boutique show this Wednesday- the insanity begins of the holiday season. Custom orders are coming in as the holiday approaches. PJ is here for now and soon will be gone in training. This is a short insert for now = Hope everyone is doing well-

Best~ Mary

posted by 2Kais at 5:50 PM - 0 comments
November 07, 2005
Finally Moved!
Just dropping in to say hi! I can't believe it we're FINALLY moved! I must say I have NO idea how we managed to live in one place with so much stinkin' stuff! How does that happen???

PJ was absolutely fantastic in the move. He got some of his Marines together and they had us moved out in just a couple of hours! Then of course comes the fun part of unpacking. I've had no computer (except i-Tunes) all weekend. No internet and no phone (except my cell)- no cable (until we actually attempted to plug it in and it worked!) So... that said- it was a productive weekend for me to unpack. We're lucky to have PJ here for a couple more days before he goes out to sea. Ho-hum.

Also, our Jeep is put-putt-putting along. I'm hoping it's something as simple as spark plugs or the timing belt. It seems easy enough and with only 79k miles it seems like it should have more life left. PJ and I have this history of fear come 80k miles. We get rid of our vehicles. But the jeep is so much fun during the summer and periodically through the year (we do live in SoCal). So.... hoping to keep it. Glad that we're just parking it for now - since PJ is gone most of the time. I like to drive it sometimes while he's gone.

Okay- much to do- more later.
posted by 2Kais at 2:25 PM - 0 comments

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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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