June 26, 2006
Funny things kids say....
So it's been a late night. We have been house-sitting the last couple of days so it's been difficult to make it home for any length of time (aside from Makena's b-day party). Tonight we were home for a while. Makena hung out w/ my mom while my dad and I went to go and pick up a trampoline for the backyard so we can all play on it. Anyhow- it's late and I'm driving us back here to this house and flipping through radio stations. Makena says leave it here. It's a country station and this guy is singing about Tequila. She catches the phrase 'Tequila makes her clothes fall off!" and busts out laughing. Makena comments, "maybe she needs a belt or to eat more food because she must be skinny like me!" The song continues and they sing and the chorus sings 'Tequila makes her clothes fall off" and Makena says -" if they keep saying that I'm not going to listen to it- that's private" It was pretty funny. I could hear her snickering in the backseat afterthat when the chorus came on one last time. She thought the song was rather silly. Just thought I'd share a funny moment- Enjoy! Hope your day is fully of funny jokes as well.

posted by 2Kais at 11:12 PM - 0 comments
HEAT in the Pacific Northwest!

It is so friggin' hot today- it's nearly hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk. While it's 93 degrees and only 30% humidity- I feel like I might be dying in this heat. I would never survive the desert of Arizona or New Mexico. I am climatized to the Seattle coolness so this is unusually hot for us. I think we'll get a break tomorrow with it hitting somewhere around 78. I'm thankful for air conditioning and cool mist sprayers. HAHA!
posted by 2Kais at 4:28 PM - 0 comments
June 24, 2006
God's Little Blessings
Th e ' L I T T L E' things.
As you might know, the head of a company survived
9/11 because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it washis turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off in time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpikebecause of an auto accident.

One of them missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.

One's car wouldn't start.

One went back to answer the telephone.

One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.

One couldn't get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore! to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.

Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone, all the little things that annoy me. I think to myself... this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very moment.

Next time your morning seems to be going wrong, the children are slow getting dressed, you can't seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated; God is at work watching over you.

May God continue to bless you with all those annoying little things and may you remember their possible purpose.
posted by 2Kais at 8:32 PM - 0 comments
June 18, 2006
Happy Birthday to YOU!!! - Continued
We put stickers and glitter on the girls' faces

Makena chose pink glitter and heart stickers - just like a princess!
Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday!!
A cake w/ a crown - fit for a true princess!!!
posted by 2Kais at 8:23 AM - 0 comments
June 17, 2006
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!

posted by 2Kais at 9:34 PM - 0 comments
June 14, 2006
New Designs
So I'm going through a creative streak right now. Better now before I get busy next week. - visit my website to see the new look and new designs. More to come very soon!
posted by 2Kais at 9:27 AM - 0 comments
June 12, 2006
Learning to Ride -
Here are photos from Makena learning to ride her bike. These were taken the first day we began teaching her to ride without her training wheels. Yesterday was the first time we took her training wheels off and she was AWESOME!! She rode across the parking lot (which was large) all on her own. She had NO idea my dad had even let go of her bike. Her little legs were pushing and pushing those pedals around and around. It was so- great. I can't believe how grown up our little girl is!

 Posted by Picasa
posted by 2Kais at 10:02 PM - 0 comments
June 10, 2006
Getting so big... look who is riding!
Makena is getting so big! We've been practicing riding our bike and balancing w/out our training wheels. She has been doing so good that we took off Makena's training wheels to try to teach her how to ride a bike w/out the help of the training wheels. She did sooo- great!! She rode about 10 feet all on her own. We went back up to the school to play and practice balancing between the training wheels. If we keep this up a couple times over the next day or two she'll be riding her bike w/out training wheels before she even turns 5!!

We also kicked the soccer ball around the yard and played in the playhouse in the backyard. Makena's newest toy: Walkie Talkies so that we can talk to her directly when she is in the playhouse playing

One more week until Makena's Princess Party!

Fading out here..... going to bed.

posted by 2Kais at 11:32 PM - 0 comments
June 02, 2006
Today Today- it is FRIDAY!
It is Friday and we're looking forward to a fun and relaxing weekend. Makena is sitting here w/ me - eating a Fig. She thinks they're delicious. I told her they are large raisins. LOL. So- much new going on.

First - Makena is doing great. She's growing tall. I can't believe her birthday is in just a couple weeks! *June 19th* Our little girl will be 5! WOW!!! We are planning a small Princess Birthday Party. Just a couple friends 6 I think- dress up and make-up - stories, cake, ice cream and fun. The following weekend (the 24th) We are going to have a family birthday party w/ extended family and friends. My brother should be back from Europe for that one. I went shopping yesterday for Makena. She's really into her dolls. Especially Baby Annabelle (Santa Brought Her) Luckily she's usually 'OFF' and not crying. Around Mother's Day I bought her a canopy bed (for baby annabelle). She's been begging for a 'Car-Seat' for her doll (I let her bring her stroller to the store sometimes to go shopping). So- I picked up a little car seat for Baby Annabelle. I can hardly wait to be in charge of buckeling her up in the car everytime we get in and out (can you sense my sarcasm?). As soon as I'm finished making her invitations I'll post them here for all of you to see.

PJ - is still in Kuwait. I expect him to be there for a while. We're grateful that his Battalion wasn't the 'Reserve Ground Force Unit' that was just moved north into Iraq's volitile Anbar province. That had all of us just a little concerned.

Me - Well, as I mentioned in a previous post I've been working on my website. I have a wonderful designer, Jen that helped me revamp the look - but due to the complexitites (not that she isn't capable - it's just time consuming) my brother - who has for the last 4 years been my webmaster has to upload all of the new catagories etc... And right now he's super super busy. So- at some point we'll have it figured out. Frankly I'm just a bit too busy w/ Makena, designing and orders to really worry about the small stuff and my long list of 'things to do' to my website. School starts up here in a couple weeks. I'm pretty excited. Also b/c the weather has been soooo- nice. Weekends on the boat this summer is going to be so much fun.

As for everything else- we stay busy and happy. Keep praying for our troops and that they come home safely.

Have a wonderful weekend if I don't hop back on here before Monday.

posted by 2Kais at 10:33 AM - 0 comments

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Name: 2Kais
Home: Seattle, Washington, United States
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