YAYYY! I just LOVE owning our home and taking such pride in it! Because of PJ's job- we haven't always had that luxury. I've been dying to get out on the lawnmower and actually cut our grass, but the mower needed a new battery. I FINALLY got one, through my work. YAYY!!
So a rush home to install the battery and get in the yard. Of course, it wouldn't be THAT easy to do it. Nervously I installed the new battery but I didn't tighten the connections well enough. I asked our neighbor to help (PJ wasn't home yet) to help me figure out why it wasn't working. Turned out it was just that they needed to be tighter. I'm too much of a wimp in dealing w/ battery connections to figure it out. He helped me out and then we checked the fluids. Perfect timing. I called PJ and he picked up some oil and was thinking ahead and grabbed some gas while he was at it.
Drum roll please.................................
And it turns and turns and turns and turns (dear God please let it not be the spark plugs now!) and turns and turns and FINALLY........ it catches and my prayers have been answered. YAYYY. So I put it in gear, but wait- the blades won't turn. WT*??? Grrrrrr- Okay, but it will drive and I feel accomplished. So I head up the monsterous back hill of our yard. I get to where it's flatter (a little) and we try to throw it into gear again. FINALLY another miracle and it works! YAYYY- oh.... but wait, now it won't go forward. TERRIFIC, I have now cut a patch of grass in a 42" circle about 4" high. This will look great next to the other grass at about 12" high!!! I am thinking at this point I must be cursed. But I press on, and PJ and I try to figure it out. Makena comes over and says she knows how to run the tractor (she's not kidding, she really does) and she shows me where the 'Engage and Disengage' levers are and which one is for cutting. But I already had that one down and we can't figure out why it's not moving. YES my foot is off the brake, but what we had to figure out was that it was sticking (must need oiling). So we pulled the brake pedal up w/ the top of my foot, and in that moment it was as if the God's were looking down upon me and blessing us with a wonderful 'typical family moment'.
Now keep in mind, it is still light out AND PJ is home. That in itself is a miracle. We don't often get these 'family moments' where it is all three of us (except Sundays) so this was exceptional! Makena played on her play structure while I drove around in circles on our back property. I couldn't think of anything better that I would have enjoyed doing. Even a far off vacation couldn't have filled the moment of bliss we enjoyed.
As the sun began to set (around 7:45) PJ and I moved Makena's swingset (it was on a hill when we bought the house) up to the highest point of our backyard (which was flattened out). DUHH- it seems to me like any normal person would have leveled off a place for the kids to play, but you can't put it past the previous owners of the home (they are an entirely long story in themselves). Now that Makena's swingset was on level ground she could easily get onto the swing and it was so- much safer. She and I swung and had lots of fun while PJ finished up mowing the area of grass that was by where her swingset used to be.
When the sun went down, we rushed in to hang out and have a bowl of ice cream....these are the days that dreams are made of. I couldn't be more thankful for all I have.
Much Aloha to you and yours!
xo-M |